August 2016

Writing from the depression beat this month. I think this first clip helped some people and the second was a little bit of public processing I probably wouldn’t do again.

What I Needed From the Church During My Depression
Christianity Today’s Her.meneutics – August 3

Speaking at the Democratic National Convention last week, the singer Demi Lovato took advantage of the powerful platform to advocate for mental health care in America. “Like millions of Americans, I am living with mental illness,” she said. “Too many Americans from all walks of life don’t get help, either because they fear the stigma or they cannot afford treatment.”

My Boyfriend Dumped Me Over My Depression, And I’m Better Off
Thought Catalog – August 19
My Boyfriend Dumped Me Because He Didn’t Believe My Depression Would Get Better
The Mighty – August 24

In every therapist’s or doctor’s office I’ve ever been in, one of the questions I am asked as part of my assessment is whether I have a significant other and how that person handles my depression. “That’s often one of the biggest stressors,” my doctor once said, congratulating me on not having a boyfriend. “Someone putting pressure on you to feel better.”

She didn’t mention the stress of knowing someone doesn’t believe you can feel better.